Monday, September 28, 2009

Christian Education Mission Project

Christian Education Mission Project... Vacation Bible School kicked-off this year's mission project. We will be supporting Church World Service's Blankets+ program. When disaster strikes, blankets are often needed, blankets and much more: tents, food, emergency supplies. Blankets+ provides blankets and other desperately needed resources. The blankets are available in both winter (grey) and summer (orange) weights. If you are curious, we have a sample of each. The cost of a blanket is only $5. Please help us help CWS respond to those in need with the warmth of God's love with a blanket. I will keep you informed of the number of blankets that can be purchased with the offerings that have been given.

As of 9/27/2009: Christian Education Mission: 80 blankets for Church World Service Blankets+

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