Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hello! It’s JULY and we’ve had so much going on! Vacation Bible School was wonderful! The people we have in our Rockport Family have always traditionally been some of the best volunteers in the world…and this year is definitely no exception! I have to thank all of you who had anything to do with our VBS this year! Whether you were a teacher, or donated things to the cause, or volunteered to do other classes or cooking – or ANYTHING, it was a great time… and I am excited for next year! I truly couldn’t have done it without any of you, with me coming in so close to VBS week- Thanks for your patience as I settled in that week!
Coming up we are going to have a VBS Reunion Cookout – families and volunteers will all be invited to join us on July 28th from 6 to 8pm… Hot Dogs and Fun!
We have also begun or New Mission Project, which will be Church-wide, all of us working together a team to do something good in the world…imagine everything can get done together! Our New Mission this year is called the Zoe Ministry. If you would like to learn more on your own about Zoe Ministry the web site is:
“In Many African Countries orphaned children are raising their brothers and sisters due to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. In response, ZOE Ministry shares the Love of Christ and gives hope to vulnerable children in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Kenya, and Rwanda through:
Giving Hope Empowerment Project
Training in farming, animal husbandry, vocational skills, income-generating activities, HIV/AIDS education, health and hygiene. The training frees orphans from poverty and dependency within 2-3 years in the program.
Relief Ministry
Including food, school fees, clothing, clean water, and medical care.”
We are hoping to schedule someone to come in to give us a presentation about Zoe Ministry this fall.
Don’t forget our Church Picnic on July 18th!
And on Wednesday, August 11th from 6:30 to 8PM, we will have a summer gathering for kids pre school age thru 6th grade…”Wednesday” School! Come and have fun with us before Sunday School starts!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Christian Education Overview for April 25

Sunday School meets from 9:30 to 10:30 am.
Infant/Toddler care is available at 9:15 am in Room 4.

3 year old thru Kindergarten: Philip Tells a Man About Jesus
I believe in Jesus.

1st thru 3rd grade: It’s All Good!
Through Jesus we come to know that God loves all people.

4th thru 6th grade: Peter and Cornelius
I know that God loves all people.

Youth: “Story”

Adult Bible Study: in the Parlor

Christians and the World: in the Prayer Chapel

Blankets + : 182 blankets

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Christian Education Overview for April 18

Sunday School meets from 9:30 to 10:30 am.
Infant/Toddler care is available at 9:15 am in Room 4.

3 year old thru Kindergarten: Peter and John Heal a Man
Jesus can change our lives.

1st thru 3rd grade: Spread the Word
We can share the Good News about Jesus with others.

4th thru 6th grade: Philip and the Ethiopian
We can share the story of Jesus with others.

Youth: “Story”

Adult Bible Study: in the Parlor

Christians and the World: at Panera

Blankets + : 170 blankets

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Christian Education Overview for April 11

Sunday School meets from 9:30 to 10:30 am.
Infant/Toddler care is available at 9:15 am in Room 4.

3 year old thru Kindergarten: Jesus and His Friends
I can tell people about Jesus.

1st thru 3rd grade: Dancing for Joy
We praise God for the new life that we are given through Jesus.

4th thru 6th grade: Peter and John Heal
Jesus gives us new life.

Youth: “Story”

Adult Bible Study: in the Parlor

Christians and the World: in the Prayer Chapel

Blankets + : 166 blankets

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The 4th, 5th & 6th Grade Sunday School Class

Class begins with a time for the children to share what happened in their lives during the past week. This sharing process gives them a chance to learn the importance of confidentiality. Next comes the lesson followed by a game of dodge ball and snack. Brad and Kelly Scotten feel that by combining personal sharing at the beginning of class with a competitive game at the end, the students develop closer relationships.

Christian Education Overview for April 4

Sunday School meets from 9:30 to 10:30 am.
Infant/Toddler care is available at 9:15 am in Room 4.

3 year old thru Kindergarten: Jesus Lives!
We celebrate that Jesus is alive!

1st thru 3rd grade: Jesus Christ is Risen!
On Easter we celebrate the new life we have through Jesus.

4th thru 6th grade: The Empty Tomb
We celebrate the new life that God gives us through Jesus.

Youth: Story

Adult Bible Study: in the Parlor

Christians and the World: in the Prayer at Panera

Blankets + : 165 blankets

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Haroset Snack

The 1st, 2nd & 3rd Grade Class had a snack of haroset today. For those of you not familiar with the ingredients, haroset is a mixture of apples, almonds, sugar, cinnamon, lemon rind and grape juice served on matzo crackers. Thanks for sharing some with me. It was delicious!

3 apples, peeled and chopped
1/3 cup chopped almonds
1/2 T. sugar
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
grated lemon rind
2 T. grape juice

Mix together in a large bowl.
Serve with matzo crackers.

Christian Education Overview for March 28

Sunday School meets from 9:30 to 10:30 am.
Infant/Toddler care is available at 9:15 am in Room 4.

3 year old thru Kindergarten: Jesus Prays in the Garden
Jesus shows us that we can pray to God when we are sad or upset.

1st thru 3rd grade: Jesus, the Teacher
In Holy Communion, we remember Jesus.

4th thru 6th grade: Passover with the Disciples
We must take time to remember whose we are.

Youth: Story

Adult Bible Study: in the Parlor

Christians and the World: at Panera Bread

Blankets +: 162 blankets

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Christians in the World, a Sunday Morning Class for Adults

Christians in the World is a Sunday School group of adults who share ideas and relate scripture to the news. Twice a month we meet in the chapel to review the "Wired Word" or other readings and discuss current events from a Christian perspective. We reflect how our daily lives intersect with the global community. In the last few months we have studied disasters, school events, veterans, ministry, poverty, the Christmas season, and the environment. It is a fun dialogue inwhich everyone contributes as he or she is comfortable. Some people come as regulars and some come once in a while - you cannot fall behind in our studies. We welcome visitors. If you are looking for a way to meet nice people and get a refresher on world news and what the Bible has to say about it, come, talk, and listen. On opposite Sundays we meet very informally at Panera Bread near the corner of Wooster and Center Ridge Roads. We talk about the week, our families, and upcoming church activities (mostly we meet in fellowship over coffee and treats).

No need to sign up - just show up,

Jeff and Beckie Zullo, coordinators of Christians in the World.

Christian Education Overview for March 21

Sunday School meets from 9:30 to 10:30 am.
Infant/Toddler care is available at 9:15 am in Room 4.

3 year old thru Kindergarten: Jesus Prays in the Garden
Jesus shows us that we can pray to God when we are sad or upset.

1st thru 3rd grade: Jesus, the Teacher
In Holy Communion, we remember Jesus.

4th thru 6th grade: Passover with the Disciples
We must take time to remember whose we are.

Youth: Story

Adult Bible Study: in the Parlor

Christians and the World: at Panera Bread

Blankets +: 158 blankets

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Lent in the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Grade Class

The 1st, 2nd & 3rd Grade Class began decorating their Easter Tree today. The Easter Tree is a tree to decorate during Lent that reminds us of Jesus. The first ornaments were hung today. They were Easter eggs that the students decorated during class. Easter eggs remind us that Jesus gave new life to everyone.

I wonder what the ornament will be next week...

Christian Education Overview for March 14

Sunday School meets from 9:30 to 10:30 am.
Infant/Toddler care is available at 9:15 am in Room 4.

3 year old thru Kindergarten: Remember Me
Jesus wanted his helpers to remember him. We remember Jesus when Communion is served.

1st thru 3rd grade: Trouble in the Temple
Jesus taught that God’s house was a special place

4th thru 6th grade: Cleansing the Temple
God’s house is a sacred place to honor and worship God.

Youth: Story

Adult Bible Study: in the Parlor

Christians and the World: in the Chapel

Blankets +: 155 blankets

Sunday, February 28, 2010

March 7

Sunday School meets from 9:30 to 10:30 am.
Infant/Toddler care is available at 9:15 am in Room 4.

3 year old thru Kindergarten: Jesus and the Money Changers
Jesus believed the Temple was a holy place to worship God. We worship God at our church.

1st thru 3rd grade: Jesus Is the King!
During Holy Week, we remember Jesus, God’s Son.

4th thru 6th grade: Palm Sunday Celebration
We celebrate Jesus as God’s Son.

Youth: Story

Adult Bible Study: in the Parlor

Christians and the World: at Panera

Blankets +: 153 blankets

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Christian Education Overview for February 28

Sunday School meets from 9:30 to 10:30 am.
Infant/Toddler care is available at 9:15 am in Room 4.

3 year old thru Kindergarten: Jesus Heals Ten Men
I can say "thank you" to people who help me.

1st thru 3rd grade: Jesus Heals Ten Lepers
We can say "thank you" for all that God has done for us.

4th thru 6th grade: Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers
We thank God for healing.

Youth: Story

Adult Bible Study: in the Parlor

Christians and the World: in the Prayer Chapel

Blankets + : 150 blankets

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Christian Education Overview for February 21

Sunday School meets from 9:30 to 10:30 am.
Infant/Toddler care is available at 9:15 am in Room 4.

3 year old thru Kindergarten: Jesus Heal's Jairus's Daughter
Jesus teaches me to care about sick people and their families.

1st thru 3rd grade: Jesus Heals a Blind Man
We can ask for God's help for ourselves.

4th thru 6th grade: Jesus Heals Bartimaeus
We can ask God for help for ourselves.

Youth: Story

Adult Bible Study:
in the Parlor

Christians and the World: at Panera Bread

Blankets + : 148 blankets

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Christian Education Overview for February 14

Sunday School meets from 9:30 to 10:30 am.
Infant/Toddler care is available at 9:15 am in Room 4.

3 year old thru Kindergarten:
Four Friends: Jesus teaches me that I can help my friends when they are sick.

1st thru 3rd grade: Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man: We can ask God to help our friends.

4th thru 6th grade: The Four Friends: We can ask God to help others.

Youth: Story

Adult Bible Study:
in the Parlor

Christians and the World: in the Prayer Chapel

Blankets + : 150 blankets

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Lenten Devotionals Available

Lenten Devotionals are available in the Narthex. Written by Robert V. Dodd, a United Methodist minister, this year's devotional has daily devotion based primarily on the miracles of Jesus described in Luke's Gospel. Each devotion is accompanied by a suggested Scripture reading and closing prayer.


THE LITTLE CHRISTIAN is a magazine for children six and younger. The 24 sturdy pages are filled with Bible stories, prayers, songs and activities. If you are interested in seeing a magazine, there is one in the Christian Education office. A one-year subscription is $24.95. If we have six or more people who would like to subscribe, the price is reduced to $12.95. Please let Jo Ann or Sara know if you want to order The Little Christian by March 21.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Christian Education Overview for February 7

Sunday School meets from 9:30 to 10:30 am.
Infant/Toddler care is available at 9:15 am in Room 4.

3 year old thru Kindergarten: Jesus Heals Peter's Mother-in-Law: Jesus teaches me to care about people when they are sick.

1st thru 3rd grade: Jesus Heals a Sick Woman: God cares about us when we are sick.

4th thru 6th grade: Jesus Heals Peter's Mother-in-Law: We know that God cares for us when we're sick.

Youth: Sub Sale

Adult Bible Study: in the Parlor

Christians and the World: at Panera

Blankets + : 141 blankets

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday School Open House/Progressive Coffee Hour

The Christian Education Ministry will be hosting Coffee Hour on January 31 after Worship. Enjoy a self-guided tour of our Sunday School classrooms. Begin the tour by picking up a map in the Chapel or Narthex and finish with beverages in Wesley Hall. Along the tour, pick up plates & napkins in the Parlor and assorted food items in the classrooms.

January 31

Sunday School meets from 9:30 to 10:30 am.
Infant/Toddler care
is available at 9:15 am in Room 4.

Sunday School Open House/Progressive Coffee Hour after Worship

Christian Education Overview for January 31:

3 year old thru Kindergarten: Jesus and Peter: Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God.

1st thru 3rd grade: Peter Knows Who Jesus Is: Jesus shows us that He is the Messiah.

4th thru 6th grade: Peter's Declaration: We recognize that Jesus is the Son of God.

Youth: Story

Adult Bible Study: in the Parlor

Christians and the World: in the Prayer Chapel

Blankets + : 139 blankets

Sunday, January 17, 2010

January 24

Sunday School meets from 9:30 to 10:30 am.
Infant/Toddler care is available at 9:15 am in Room 4.

Christian Education Overview for January 24:

3 year old thru Kindergarten: Jesus and the Rich Young Man: Loving Jesus is the most important thing I can do.

1st thru 3rd grade: The Rich Young Man: Jesus teaches us that disciples serve God.

4th thru 6th grade: The Rich Young Man: Loving God and Jesus makes you richer than having money.

Youth: Story/help with Pancake Breakfast

Adult Bible Study: in the Parlor

Christians and the World: at Panera

Blankets + : 135 blankets

Sunday, January 10, 2010

January 17

Sunday School meets from 9:30 to 10:30 am.
Infant/Toddler care is available at 9:15 am in Room 4.

Christian Education Overview for January 17:

3 year old thru Kindergarten: Jesus and the Woman at the Well: Jesus loves everyone.

1st thru 3rd grade: The Woman at the Well: Jesus shows us what God's love is like.

4th thru 6th grade: The Woman at the Well: Jesus is the Messiah God sent to show us the way.

Youth: Story

Adult Bible Study: in the Parlor

Christians and the World: in the Prayer Chapel

Blankets + : 133 blankets

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 10

Sunday School meets from 9:30 to 10:30 am.
Infant/Toddler care is available at 9:15 am in Room 4.

Christian Education Overview for January 10:

3 year old thru Kindergarten: Jesus Visits Mary and Martha: Mary knew that the most important thing for her to do was to listen to Jesus. Learning about Jesus is very important.

1st thru 3rd grade: Mary and Martha: Jesus helps us know what is important.

4th thru 6th grade: Mary and Martha: We need to give Jesus priority in our lives.

Youth: Story

Adult Bible Study: in the Parlor

Christians and the World: at Panera

Blankets + : 128 blankets