Sunday, March 14, 2010

Christians in the World, a Sunday Morning Class for Adults

Christians in the World is a Sunday School group of adults who share ideas and relate scripture to the news. Twice a month we meet in the chapel to review the "Wired Word" or other readings and discuss current events from a Christian perspective. We reflect how our daily lives intersect with the global community. In the last few months we have studied disasters, school events, veterans, ministry, poverty, the Christmas season, and the environment. It is a fun dialogue inwhich everyone contributes as he or she is comfortable. Some people come as regulars and some come once in a while - you cannot fall behind in our studies. We welcome visitors. If you are looking for a way to meet nice people and get a refresher on world news and what the Bible has to say about it, come, talk, and listen. On opposite Sundays we meet very informally at Panera Bread near the corner of Wooster and Center Ridge Roads. We talk about the week, our families, and upcoming church activities (mostly we meet in fellowship over coffee and treats).

No need to sign up - just show up,

Jeff and Beckie Zullo, coordinators of Christians in the World.

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